Trouble With Different Types Of Pulsation


Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble with some patch challenges because I'm finding really hard telling apart unison from double and detunning. I know that unison creates a big, widen sound, but in some cases I'm not hearing the center tone with pulsation well enough to differenciate that from unison with a single waveform and a particular detuning level. The only difference that I've noticed is a change in volume. I believe that in some patch of the Lesson "Different types of pulsation" there's a patch that exemplifies this. Any help?


5 years ago

Joe Hanley

Hey Raquel

There is one situation in which unison will sound identical to double/detuning, and it's the one you mentioned: A single oscillator, 2-voice Unison, with no spread.

To deal with this in Syntorial, there aren't SUPPOSED to be any patches that use Unison that way. So if you hear a detuned sound, and it's narrow, and it sound like two voices, then it's doubled and detuning.

Again, there aren't supposed to be any patches like that. However, if you come across one, please use the Help -> Send Score option so we can check it out.

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