I am around midway in my Syntorial journey and loving it. Incredible how it enhanced my capability of getting the sound I want. Anyway.. I already covered lots of material and there are so many things explained and various tips, and I often want to go back to previous lessons and read the written summary to recall the information. But its a bit uncomfortable to have to keep tapping on the menu (Im on Ipad), then tapping table of contents, then opening the submenus of each chapter, then finding the correct lesson, then tapping the summary button. and when tapping the back button it goes back to the beginning.
Would be nice the back button brings you back to the same sub menu where you were last. Or, even better, have an option in the menu to go to a dedicated space including only all written summaries. I finished Building Blocks 1 and I found the written summaries well organized. Syntorial needs something similar.
3 months ago
I agree, it would be nice to be able to see the summaries in one place, maybe even searchable. We'll keep this in mind.
1 3 months ago Reply