Struggling With Differences Of Saw Waves, Pulse Waves With Different Widths


I had very challenging run through the fourth chapter of Syntorial (Expanding your basic sound) where it demonstrates using two oscillators. I just couldn't figure out which waveform was being used, and even had trouble hearing whether one or two oscillators were being used. Does anyone have tips?

Steven Rockett

3 years ago

Marlon Ordonez

I also had trouble with this. I found it helps to play notes in different octaves, as this often gives away the square sound, which has a bit more bass to it in the low registers, and a flute-like sound in the higher registers, especially the pure square. This especially gets harder once you start to add in filters etc…. I still get it wrong a lot. Keep practicing though, it does get easier.

I am struggling a ton with this myself which is why I came on here.

I like the tip of playing the keys in different octaves.

Do you recommend just doing the same challenges over and over again until they become easier??

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Dean Olin

I also had trouble with this. I found it helps to play notes in different octaves, as this often gives away the square sound, which has a bit more bass to it in the low registers, and a flute-like sound in the higher registers, especially the pure square. This especially gets harder once you start to add in filters etc.... I still get it wrong a lot. Keep practicing though, it does get easier.

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