This is less of a specific patch request but more of a general sound design question. Some artists are able to get this buzzy texture out of their sounds. The best way I can describe this in words is, when you transpose a synth patch all the way down to the clicks. Then somehow if you were able to keep the clicks no matter the pitch. Or like if it were possible to slow down the duty cycle of a waveform without affecting the pitch so you can clearly perceive its peaks and valleys.
It's not just them but out of all the music I listen to VNV Nation seems to have achieved this the best and most frequently, pretty much since the beginning. When I hear it, I drop my jaw, slap my hands to the sides of my face and say " It's so good! How? I don't understand! "
You can especially make it out in the song Wait off of their new album Lead Bass - First Synth .
Also the song When is the Future? From the previous album. Lead Bass - 11 sec. in.
To recreate this texture I have tried a number of things over the years, with some success but not really.. From down sampling to down sampling with effects. To slightly layering various saw wave over patches. To duplicating a patch then effecting and EQ-ing and layering. To super fast LFOs to noise and cutoff frequency. At one point I was experimenting with delays and distortions. To automating different things in the DAW. I've even tried moderately expensive gear: Pro 3, Virus TI, various modular. Hardware samplers like the Octatrack and an E-max. Every sound I make just seems dull and flat unless I go out of my way to layer something on top of it.
Over the last 20 years I've become decent at recreating sounds but this is a piece of sound design that I haven't quite figured out. I hope it's going to be something easy and that I've just over looked. When I try to describe this to other synth heads, they kind of look at me like I'm crazy. So I even have this feeling that I'm describing it wrong. This texture, this buzz, this vibration of the sound is why I love electronic music.
Any Ideas?
1 year ago
Hmmm this one is tough. I think it requires two separate layers:
LAYER 1 - Main sound
Oscillator: Medium Pulse Width
Filter: Band Pass, heavily driven, and slowly modulating upward via an Envelope Attack, but only just a little
Voice: Legato with noticeable portamento
Distortion: Grit
Chorus: Subtle but widens, smears, and moves
Phaser: Whirring sound
LAYER 2 - Noise
White Noise
Filter: Band Pass, but it didn't sound right going through the same filter as the other layer. The cutoff needs to be higher to remove lows, and way less drive so it doesn't break up
Distortion: Way less drive. Again we don't want it to crackle. Just be a little dirty
Chorus/Phaser: Same as other layer
0 1 year ago Reply
Oh I just got home and will try this! I know the band uses Reaktor alot so I'm sure they built something weird. They also use the Virus, I have Reveal Spire which is supposedly close to the Virus sound and also own Serum and ReaKtor for that matter. I will play around! This sound has been eluding me for a few years! Thank you for your response and I hope it is an added bonus to Adam Dale's original post!
0 7 months ago Reply
On this same subject Ive been trying to figure out the Buzzy/Humming/Whirring Synth in VNV Nation's "Chrome" got slightly close with Osc sync.. but not close enough. Starts at around 2:50 and the then the filter opens .. but then it morphs through the rest of the song..
0 1 year ago Reply
Hi Joe, Thank you so much for digging into that! I can't wait to go home and try this after work! My wheels are already spinning with ways to personalize amd make it unique.
0 1 year ago Reply
Cool sound. I got pretty close with this:
Oscillators: Two of them, Saws, one octave apart.
Filter: Low Pass. Turn the Cutoff down to make it round, and then use the Filter Envelope with 0 Sustain and a quick Decay to create a bright attack transient.
Unison: 2 voices, Detuned pretty heavy so it sounds kind of out-of-tune. And spread it wide into the L/R stereo field.
Distortion/Overdrive/Waveshaper: Each one sounds so different so you'll have to experiment with different options. But this is where the angry/buzzy aspect comes from.
Combining the lower octave oscillator, filter envelope attack transient, and the pitchy Unison, with just the right type and amount of Distortion should achieve that particular sound you're looking for.
0 1 year ago Reply