Patch Request: Valentino Kahn - BRB (Lead)

Patch / Preset Recreated

Ok I love this lead sound, and i'm still new on my sound design learning journey and don't know where to start on how to recreate this sound

I'm really stuck on the wave form part i think. If I knew that i think i could play with my ADSR amp envelope to get it sounding right from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)!

eric howard

2 years ago


Glad that helped, mate. You might need to play with the osc tuning... No worries 🙂

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eric howard

Wow I would have never thought to use the RM. I'm already way closer to getting it just off that advice alone. It definitely is giving me more of a gritty mettalic noise now i'm using RM. This concept is still a little new to me so i need to play with it and learn a little bit more i think before i get it, but i appreciate the help a lot!

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I was experimenting with sync/ring and found the latter better for the job 😀
So enable ring mod and tune the carrier's pitch down with around 115-120ct or 1.2st (semitone).
Both OSCs are set to SAW (experiment wit PWM for tone bit the SAW sounds the closest to me)
You'll need to add a SubOSC as well. Think this can be a good starter.

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2 votes
Synth Patch / Preset Request