Hey everyone! 😀
I'm trying to copy the UK Pikes 1 patch from Nexus because it's a super classic pluck sound these days, and I don't own Nexus.
I've got the dry Nexus sound (without the master filter) that I'm trying to copy, playing a single C note:
My attempt is somewhat similar but it's lacking a bit of "friction":
I'm not sure whether I need to apply an effect or if my waveform choice is incorrect. I've tried adding distortion but it sounds too grindy. I'm using Primer to mix a saw with a sine and I'm applying some unison to match the width of the Nexus sound.
I'm attaching a screenshot of my Primer settings.
5 years ago
You're really close. The main difference I hear is that the Nexus patch has a brighter attack transient. Try increasing the Filter Envelope Amount.
0 5 years ago Reply