I've been tinkering around with recreating these classic synth patches and didn't see anything in the past forum posts.
The 80's Brass and Kalimba patches on my keyboards sound similar but a little off so I was thinking of programming it from scratch and wondered if anyone had done that yet here on this forum. I assume it's easy for most experts to create this patch or something close.
Been enjoying the Syntorial synth/lessons and learning a lot. Thanks!
5 years ago
Joe, thanks for the patch recommendations! The diagram for the "Brass" in the video is a little tough to read but I'll give it a go. 😀
It kind of looks like the LFO is being routed through the filter as a saw wave but I can't tell the rate or amount.
Thanks again!
0 5 years ago Reply
A classic.
Synth: Primer
Oscillators: Set both Osc 1 and 2 to Sine.
Mod Envelope: FM is going to give us that kalimba-style tone, so set destination to FM, and set a quick Decay, around 550 ms. Then set Amount to about Noon. Then turn up Oscillator 2's Semi knob until you get the bell-like tone you're looking for. I liked it around 28.
Amp Envelope: Sustain to zero, and a quick Decay and Release, around 400 ms.
Reverb: decent amount of size (around Noon), and a light wetness (around 9:00)
Check out this video, starting at around 2:58:
0 5 years ago Reply