Patch Request: Toto - Africa (Brass or Bells)

Patch / Preset Recreated

I've been tinkering around with recreating these classic synth patches and didn't see anything in the past forum posts.

The 80's Brass and Kalimba patches on my keyboards sound similar but a little off so I was thinking of programming it from scratch and wondered if anyone had done that yet here on this forum. I assume it's easy for most experts to create this patch or something close.

Been enjoying the Syntorial synth/lessons and learning a lot. Thanks!

Eric Junge

5 years ago

Eric Junge

Joe, thanks for the patch recommendations! The diagram for the "Brass" in the video is a little tough to read but I'll give it a go. 😀

It kind of looks like the LFO is being routed through the filter as a saw wave but I can't tell the rate or amount.

Thanks again!

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Joe Hanley

A classic.


Synth: Primer

Oscillators: Set both Osc 1 and 2 to Sine.

Mod Envelope: FM is going to give us that kalimba-style tone, so set destination to FM, and set a quick Decay, around 550 ms. Then set Amount to about Noon. Then turn up Oscillator 2's Semi knob until you get the bell-like tone you're looking for. I liked it around 28.

Amp Envelope: Sustain to zero, and a quick Decay and Release, around 400 ms.

Reverb: decent amount of size (around Noon), and a light wetness (around 9:00)


Check out this video, starting at around 2:58:

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2 votes
Synth Patch / Preset Request