Patch Request: Tillman Uhrmacher - On The Run (Pad)

Patch / Preset Recreated

Hi guys

I'm trying to recreate this pad. I think it's fairly straightforward and I've got about 60% of the way there but there is something missing and I'm not sure what. The track is Tillman Uhrmacher - On the Run and if you go to 2m 30 to 2m 36s you can hear the 4 bar loop of the pad.

I believe the notes are D2 for two bars, C2 for one bar and then E2 for the final bar.

In Ableton I have a wavetable with a shape between a square and saw with a low pass filter on at about 162hz. Unison is turned on with 5 voices. I have added a 'big room' reverb (41% wet) and a chorus-ensemble (37% wet).

I can't figure out how to capture the...for lack of a better description 'Enya' nature of the pad. Kinda atmospheric uplifting warm sunniness?? I have the Arturia collection but have no idea which synth in that pack would have the feature I need to make it sound like this pad. And all the presets I've tried don't get close. Help welcome 😀


Seb Rattansen

3 years ago

Joe Hanley

Close! Try bumping up the cutoff a bit more and increasing the res.

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Seb Rattansen

Not sure if I'm getting closer 😮 Can't capture the dreaminess of this synth.

I think the chord idea is right. It seems to be D2, A2 and D3 played for four bars. That doesn't change. But on top there is another simple melody of A2 (2 bars) then D2 (1 bar) and E2 (1 bar). I may have got these notes wrong! I increased the res and freq but it still doesn't get there. I have attached it anyway!

I also tried the Juno 6 demo from Arturia. Very nice plugin! The 'Iconic Strings' preset sounds a bit closer than what I have done.

I'm sure the original producer took a standard preset from a relatively old synth (from the late 90s to 2000s) and maybe tweaked it!

I think I give up. But still fun trying.

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Seb Rattansen

Thanks - will give this a go.

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Joe Hanley

Try this:

  1. Play a chord. It sounds like you're playing a single low note and a single higher note. But the example is playing full chords. That's going to make it far richer as the close notes rub against each other for a more lush thick sound.

  2. Raise the cutoff a bit to make a little brighter.

  3. Bump up the res a bit to give it more point.

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Seb Rattansen

Thanks for helping guys. I've attached a recreation. It's probably less than 60% of the way there on reflection, haha!

And I will check out the Juno. I don't have it in my current collection but may upgrade if it makes the right sound!

0    3 years ago    Reply

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If you have the Juno in your version of Arturia V Collection, I think it should be really easy, in fact even some presets could work with some minor tweaking. I use the TAL emulation of the Juno and it has a lot of pads that sound close to yours.

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Joe Hanley

What a big warm lush pad. Can you post an audio clip of your attempt? If you're close it may just need a few key tweaks.

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Synth Patch / Preset Request