Patch Request: Syntience - Multiplanetary

Patch / Preset Recreated

the synth that plays from 0.00 till 0.18 can someone please assist me as in how to create it??


5 years ago

Joe Hanley

The general recipe is stringy patch + heavy detune + distortion + reverb. Here's a bit more detail with Primer:

Oscillator: Thin-ish pulse wave. Bit of White Noise.

Unison: 4 voices, 0 Spread, VERY heavy detune. Make it wobble like crazy.

Amp Envelope: Quick attack to get that bowed string attack transient, around 75 ms. Quick release around 145 ms.

Filter: Low Pass, Cutoff a bit below Noon, heavy Res.

Distortion: About half-way. Now you should hear the unison wobble fighting with the Distortion, in a good way.

LFO: S&H waveform modulating Pan. Medium-fast rate, pretty heavy amount so that it mostly resides in the far left and right, with a bit in the middle.

Reverb: Big size, medium mix

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Synth Patch / Preset Request