I've been trying to recreate this simple arp from one of my favorite wave songs and I feel like I've gotten pretty close, but it's not quite there yet. In Serum I used a square wave with a fast LFO (retriggering at 1/128) on the coarse pitch to achieve the gritty effect, but maybe there's a better way to do it. (The sound starts at 0:12)
Here's my attempt at achieving the sound.
4 years ago
I actually hadn't thought of that! I just tried it out and it does give a really nice gritty effect. Combined with the slight coarse pitch modulation it definitely gets me closer to the sound. Thanks so much!
0 4 years ago Reply
Have you tried using Oscillator Sync? That's another way to get a gritty sound out of your synth. Your patch sounds pretty close to the actual patch, but I can hear some "gaps" in the grittiness. If you use Sync you shouldn't get that.
0 4 years ago Reply