Patch Request: - Opening Bass Riff Patch (Arpeggiator?)

Patch / Preset Recreated

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to replicate this opening(is it a bass?) patch. It sounds arpeggiated. I’ve tried playing a few different chords, but I can’t get this sound down.

It’s the muffled (arpeggiated?), part, that is at the very beginning.


4 years ago

Jonathan Eppele

Yeah, I used a sequencer. My sequence was C4 C3 C4 C3 Eb4 C3 C4 C3 Eb4 C3 C4 C3 Bb3 C3 C4 C3.

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Thanks Jonathan! Is it an arpeggiated chord as well?

0    4 years ago    Reply

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Jonathan Eppele

Hi there!

I was able to get something that sounds pretty close to the original bass patch. This sound is a lot more complex than initially sounds. Here's what I did:

Osc: Two Medium Pulses, one octave apart, to give that sort of hollow, almost nasal character to your sound.

Filter: Low Pass, 24 dB. Crank it down quite far to really round it out. If you have the option, some drive will help make your sound fuller.

Filter Envelope: Very fast decay/release to get that little "click" sound on the beginning of each note.

Amp Envelope: Quick release, not too fast, just to hear the notes overlapping a bit.

Even with all this, there was a certain something missing from my sound. I got that certain something by using:

Chorus: To give that subtle smearing sound in the track. Fully wet, fully wide. Mild rate, quite a bit of intensity.

If you still aren't getting the full bass character you want, try using EQ to boost the bass a bit. Play around with it πŸ˜€

Hope this helps!

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First Name

Can't help with the patch, but from what I can hear, the notes aren't just going up or down, they're sort of "ping-ponging" like this.

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Synth Patch / Preset Request