Two layers here. A main distorted pulse wave-ish bass, and a sub bass (on some notes).
I suggest starting with:
Main Bass
Oscillator: Medium Pulse Wave
Amp Envelope: medium Sustain, quick Decay and Release. This will create an attack transient, so that the sound hits hard, kind of like it's compressed
Filter: Low Pass, Cutoff around halfway to prepare for the...
Distortion: this would be the trickiest part to match. This sound has a nasty side to it. Aggressive, and a little lo-fi. I'd experiment with different distortions and see if it gets you close.
Sub Bass:
Oscillator: Saw
Filter: Low Pass, Cutoff waaaaay down, so you just have that big bottom roundness
This only comes in on those 3 notes that walk up at the beginning of each measure
The trickiest part here will be to get the waveform + filter + distortion combination right. Feel free to post your attempt here for further feedback
Two layers here. A main distorted pulse wave-ish bass, and a sub bass (on some notes).
I suggest starting with:
Main Bass
Sub Bass:
The trickiest part here will be to get the waveform + filter + distortion combination right. Feel free to post your attempt here for further feedback
0 6 years ago Reply
Could any one help me with this simple bass?
0 6 years ago Reply
Hi Sidney
Can you post a link to youtube or soundcloud? Or attach an audio file?
0 6 years ago Reply