And I sense a downward pitch curve at the end so might be better just doing a long downward Envelope (SAW like shape) - just did another version with this. Volume should be safe in this 😄
It seemed to be simple at the first glance but it is not 😄 Hard to nail the exact tone but I think I have something acceptable 😀
Think it is a single OSC patch with no OSC detuning but two pitch mods. I can describe it as I made it in a hardware synth not Serum.
Envelope to Pitch MOD: upward curve, medium attack (make it longer overall), full sustain. depth: ~5-10%
LFO to OSC Pitch: Medium fast, depth ~20-25%, Sin shape
Filter LP: Cutoff 65% maybe bit lower, Resonance 0 - if you can carve out the bottom a bit (EQ or Bandpass)
AMP Envelope: little bit of attack to take away the initial transient, Decay 50%, Sustain 0 - so it silenced before pitch gets annoying, Release medium long
A slight bit of RING MOD to alter the tone - alternatively mix a tad bit of Triangle
Touch of Reverb
Of course this is not a pro replication but might give you something to start with 😀
Let me know how you found this approach!
0 4 years ago Reply
And I sense a downward pitch curve at the end so might be better just doing a long downward Envelope (SAW like shape) - just did another version with this. Volume should be safe in this 😄
0 4 years ago Reply
LOWER your VOLUME! It came out a bit loud (normalized)
0 4 years ago Reply
It seemed to be simple at the first glance but it is not 😄 Hard to nail the exact tone but I think I have something acceptable 😀
Think it is a single OSC patch with no OSC detuning but two pitch mods. I can describe it as I made it in a hardware synth not Serum.
Envelope to Pitch MOD: upward curve, medium attack (make it longer overall), full sustain. depth: ~5-10%
LFO to OSC Pitch: Medium fast, depth ~20-25%, Sin shape
Filter LP: Cutoff 65% maybe bit lower, Resonance 0 - if you can carve out the bottom a bit (EQ or Bandpass)
AMP Envelope: little bit of attack to take away the initial transient, Decay 50%, Sustain 0 - so it silenced before pitch gets annoying, Release medium long
A slight bit of RING MOD to alter the tone - alternatively mix a tad bit of Triangle
Touch of Reverb
Of course this is not a pro replication but might give you something to start with 😀
Let me know how you found this approach!
0 4 years ago Reply