Patch Request: Italo Lead Sound

Patch / Preset Recreated

Okay I admit… I have a thing for 80s Italo (any synth lover should listen to Italo πŸ˜ƒ), and I am trying to recreate the HUUUUGE lead sound from this track:

It starts at 0:18, and I hear detuned saws, with OSC doubled 1 octave higher. But somehow I do not get close to the fullness of this sound. Any ideas? I have a Minilogue XD and Reface DX as HW synths, and Synth1 and Helm as SW synths, so any clue would be greatly appreciated.


3 years ago


That is 80s and it is BIG. 😊 I have a feeling it may be a synth layered on top of a horn sample, which weren’t all that accurate back in the day and had kind of a synth vibe. But, try doing it with just a synth:

Oscillator 1: Saw. Unison with a bunch of voices, 6 if you can. Strong Detune, enough that it almost sounds a little pitchy, to get a really aggressive sound. No Width on that Unison.

Oscillator 2: Same as 1, but one octave higher

Filter: 24 dB Low Pass, with just a touch of Res. If your filter has Drive, give it a decent amount. Then bring the Cutoff down just a little bit, to be modulated by…

Filter Envelope: We’re going to create a really subtle horn attack transient that will give the sound some punch. About 50ms Attack and just enough Mod Amount to bring the Cutoff back up to max brightness.

Amp Envelope: Short Release, around 80 ms, just to get rid of the abrupt note end.

Reverb: Medium size, wide, little wet. The sound should still be dry enough to be up front, but have that big space behind it to make it more 80s Epic. 😊

Fantastic! You truly are a master of synths Joe!

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Joe Hanley

That is 80s and it is BIG. πŸ˜€ I have a feeling it may be a synth layered on top of a horn sample, which weren't all that accurate back in the day and had kind of a synth vibe. But, try doing it with just a synth:

Oscillator 1: Saw. Unison with a bunch of voices, 6 if you can. Strong Detune, enough that it almost sounds a little pitchy, to get a really aggressive sound. No Width on that Unison.

Oscillator 2: Same as 1, but one octave higher

Filter: 24 dB Low Pass, with just a touch of Res. If your filter has Drive, give it a decent amount. Then bring the Cutoff down just a little bit, to be modulated by...

Filter Envelope: We're going to create a really subtle horn attack transient that will give the sound some punch. About 50ms Attack and just enough Mod Amount to bring the Cutoff back up to max brightness.

Amp Envelope: Short Release, around 80 ms, just to get rid of the abrupt note end.

Reverb: Medium size, wide, little wet. The sound should still be dry enough to be up front, but have that big space behind it to make it more 80s Epic. πŸ˜€

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2 votes
Synth Patch / Preset Request