Patch Request: Electus - Who We Are (Sub Bass)

Patch / Preset Recreated

Electus - Who we are


5 years ago


Thank you

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Joe Hanley

Celand wrote:
I only didn’t understand the part about 100 width, since in SERUM the width of voices is the knob called ”Detune” so i left it on 0, it works so far.

You can find the Unison width in the Global tab

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I only didn't understand the part about 100 width, since in SERUM the width of voices is the knob called ''Detune'' so i left it on 0, it works so far.


0    5 years ago    Reply

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It works! Thank you so much! I will post here next time I need help with something.


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Joe Hanley

Wide and solid bass is so tough. Try this:

Osc 1: Sine. 2 voice Unison with 100% width, and 0 Detune. This will create that big wide low end. Yes, each time you play a new key, the nature of that width will change, but, I found it's always nice and wide and pretty solid, if not always exactly the same.

Osc 2: Any vocal-style wavetable. In Serum, I liked DudaChoir with WT Pos set to around 170. But any male-sounding "EH" will do. 6 voice Unison, with 100% width, a decent amount of Detune. Adjust its volume so that it's layered into the Sine, but the big sine sub sound is still prominent. This will have a lot of movement, but when combined with the Sine above, it creates a nice wall of low sound spread across the stereo field.

Filter: Low Pass, 24 dB. Turn the Cutoff pretty far down, but adjust for taste. Decent amount of Drive.

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It's very low, even and perfectly audible even on cheap cellphone earplugs. I tried to make it in different ways using different waveforms, combined saw with sine, and square with sine, used low pass filter, drive. I get some nice sub sound, but can't get it so big, wide and even. No compression or limiting makes it so good as it is in this song, I have even bassrider from waves, and even then it's not that even in volume of higher and lower pitch notes.
The question is: how to make it so wide and even without giving it any movement?
I use mostly SERUM, so if it's possible please refer to SERUM
Thanks in advance

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Synth Patch / Preset Request