This one is deceptively tricky! Try starting with this:
Two Oscillators: Both Sine waves. Pitch the second one up an octave and make it a little louder than the first.
Noise: Add some white noise. Pretty aggressive amount so it's a noticeably prominent part of the sound.
Filter: This is for the noise, since the Sine waves don't have mids or highs to be filtered. Low Pass 24 dB. Bring the Cutoff down a bit, boost the Res a bit, and increase Key Tracking enough to get a balanced brightness across the key range.
Distortion: Bring enough to bright it back up a bit and make it aggressive.
Reverb: Just a little Wet, but a huge room for that long reverby tail.
Unison: 2-voice, medium Detune to give it some intensity. You could also just double and detune each oscillator.
Pitch Bend: I hear some pitch bend on only the really high note, so I'm guessing this is added manually with the pitch wheel.
This one is deceptively tricky! Try starting with this:
Two Oscillators: Both Sine waves. Pitch the second one up an octave and make it a little louder than the first.
Noise: Add some white noise. Pretty aggressive amount so it's a noticeably prominent part of the sound.
Filter: This is for the noise, since the Sine waves don't have mids or highs to be filtered. Low Pass 24 dB. Bring the Cutoff down a bit, boost the Res a bit, and increase Key Tracking enough to get a balanced brightness across the key range.
Distortion: Bring enough to bright it back up a bit and make it aggressive.
Reverb: Just a little Wet, but a huge room for that long reverby tail.
Unison: 2-voice, medium Detune to give it some intensity. You could also just double and detune each oscillator.
Pitch Bend: I hear some pitch bend on only the really high note, so I'm guessing this is added manually with the pitch wheel.
0 1 year ago Reply