This one comes courtesy of one of our esteemed Syntorians, Bill Lear. The trickiest part here is making that grinding sound so forward and aggressive. It feels like there's 100 nickels banging around in my head. #100nickels
Sound comes in around 1:16.
And here's a short clip of the bass in isolation:
6 years ago
1 month ago
sorry mate, i was busy... so this sounds quite good well done 😀
i will try this piggy tut out. now just need that slight vowel curve in filter i think...
0 6 years ago Reply
wow. Thanks for posting this. I just levelled up.
0 6 years ago Reply
Yeah, exactly was about to get that piggy quality 😀 Thanks for the tut but can't hear your sample, it seems to be empty...
0 6 years ago Reply
I definitely suspect some FM. The multiband would only bring it forward or change the balance to a degree. After I go through Massive's wavetables again, I'm going to try combining some ring modulation with Phase to see what I get. I watched a Rocket Powered Sounds tutorial that I recreated in Massive, and post-processing, recently so I know some things can be emulated that way.
Here's that tutorial:
And my recreation:
Ok, a couple days later maybe it wasn't that close. Points for trying.
0 6 years ago Reply
Isn't this FM synthesis plus massive multi band compression?
0 6 years ago Reply
I've started thinking it might be a percussive sample that's looped incredibly fast, creating that grinding sound. Maybe that layered with a synth might do it.
0 6 years ago Reply
Lol, same thing here, I think this is a different synthesis and there's also post processing on it.
0 6 years ago Reply
Where's the hint button? I tried every conceivable combination in Massive and couldn't get it. Something tells me this was made in Serum.
0 6 years ago Reply
Ooh, this sounds interesting, Joe 😀 I'm very interested in this one, will find some time to come up with something...
0 6 years ago Reply