
Show us your most deep and elaborate evolving pad. I'm talking layers and modulation over a loooooong period of time. Reply below with an audio clip and/or preset.

And here's a tut with some tips on how to do just that!

Joe Hanley

6 years ago

Michael Anders

i dont have Serum.
Can you show how to make evolving pads with syntorial / primer?
Kind regards
Michael 😀

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Jorge Velez

Well, it looks like I also used some building distortion, thought I was being clever! My pad is about subtleties and I think it works well with chords. Thanks for the weekly video.

Very nice use of distortion. Sounds great! Thank you for sharing.

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Mark Luljak

I like it. Then again, I'm a sucker for flangers. For something like this, it feels like cheating, but I used mine to bolster an effect which was already going on, so I can't knock you for using it because I used it. 😉 The base of the patch sounded to me like a dry violin on a close mic. Interesting, although I prefer this one in a chord rather than solo.

I've noticed over the years that there are three ways a patch can go. It can be so thick and wide-spectrum that it doesn't leave room in the mix for much of anything else, it can be thin enough that it fits anywhere, or it can take the middle ground and fit in a gap. This one would seem to be in the third category. Especially with a flanging effect in play, it gets to fill multiple gaps. This kind is perfect for layering, specifically because of that kind of glue effect.

Jorge Velez wrote:

0    6 years ago    Reply

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Jorge Velez

[attachment file=23853]

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Jorge Velez

Evolving pad with heavy use of flanger.

I like the sounds generated by the change in the flanger phase.

Great video Joe. Im very honored to be your student.


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Joe Hanley

My pad is about subtleties and I think it works well with chords.

This feels good. The distortion in this case is really warm. Growly without being nasty.

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Sean Jorden

Well, it looks like I also used some building distortion, thought I was being clever! My pad is about subtleties and I think it works well with chords. Thanks for the weekly video.

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Mark Luljak

Joe Hanley wrote:

Mark Luljak wrote:
I’ll try.
I really like that second phasey mouthy layer, especially how its wobble varies each time it comes in.

Thanks! The idea of using the noise generator for something non-white/pink was shamelessly cribbed from the tutorial video. The of those things I do in some synths is modulate a modulator directly. In Serum, you can't actually drag/drop a modulator onto the rate knob of an LFO, as it won't activate the pane on hover, but you can do it directly via the matrix.

The extra flanger in FX didn't hurt. It accentuates it a bit.

0    6 years ago    Reply

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Joe Hanley

I’ll try.

I really like that second phasey mouthy layer, especially how its wobble varies each time it comes in.

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Mark Luljak

I'll try. Just spent the last hour doing this one. I'm not 100% set on leaving the sub solid, but I actually like that, because behind all the shimmering and modulation, it also gives it a solid stability. It probably shouldn't have taken an hour, but 1) I'm rusty, and 2) I didn't want to put out just any old rubbish. 😉

I recorded four sets of two alternating notes and/or chords. First a chord, then just root notes an octave lower, root notes another octave lower, and then chords on top of bass root notes. You can play it here (5.1MB > 2.93MB limit):

I'm attaching the Serum patch as well.

(This forum does not seem to be making the .rar with the patch available, no matter what I do. Not sure why. Link to DropBox copy follows.)

0    6 years ago    Reply

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Joe Hanley

A pad I whipped up with some distortion

Is the crackling that eventually comes in caused by the distortion? That's a nice touch. The pad is so clean until that comes in. Unexpected in a nice way.

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Tyler Smith

A pad I whipped up with some distortion

0    6 years ago    Reply

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Joe Hanley wrote:

marydenbo wrote:
I made a fun evolving pad in Serum about two months ago:

Space Pad

That is really impressive. So much depth, and it goes forever. Really nice work.

Coming from you, that's some high praise. Thanks!

0    6 years ago    Reply

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Joe Hanley

I made a fun evolving pad in Serum about two months ago:

Space Pad

That is really impressive. So much depth, and it goes forever. Really nice work.

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I made a fun evolving pad in Serum about two months ago:

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