oh my, i hope you did not give up. phase plant is not the synth i would go for as a beginner π donΒ΄t get frustrated, maybe even concentrate on just using primer for now, phase plant is a powerful tool, and you will eventually have a lot of fun with it
In the PhasePlant "Analog" oscillator you'll see a blue "Semi" label near its bottom left that works the same as Syntorial's "Semi" parameter. And at the bottom right of the oscillator you'll see a "Gain" knob that will set the Oscillator's volume. So instead of a Mix knob that sets both Oscillator volumes at the same time, you'll set each Oscillator's volume separately.
oh my, i hope you did not give up. phase plant is not the synth i would go for as a beginner π donΒ΄t get frustrated, maybe even concentrate on just using primer for now, phase plant is a powerful tool, and you will eventually have a lot of fun with it
0 3 months ago Reply
In the PhasePlant "Analog" oscillator you'll see a blue "Semi" label near its bottom left that works the same as Syntorial's "Semi" parameter. And at the bottom right of the oscillator you'll see a "Gain" knob that will set the Oscillator's volume. So instead of a Mix knob that sets both Oscillator volumes at the same time, you'll set each Oscillator's volume separately.
0 1 year ago Reply