Offline Access for Building Blocks

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It would be incredibly helpful to have offline access to Building Blocks on iPad like that of Syntorial. I'm kinda bummed cause I misread and thought Building Blocks was available offline and already signed up for a subscription.
Today I'm going to try a work around with my macbook air to make the building blocks web address save/make available offline to see if that works to use Building Blocks with my laptop. The Red Panda pedal Web editor works in this way pretty well.
But I'd prefer to just have a standalone app on the iPad for Building Blocks. Or if Building Blocks lesseons/challenges could be added to the existing Syntorial app.

Tyler Ellis

6 months ago

Jeremy Gilman

Agreed - this would be very helpful. Even if it was just in a browser wrapper that could be used offline, then progress synced to your account the next time you are online.

1    1 month ago    Reply

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Yandere Pop

I think that's a great idea too! I'd love it if Building Blocks worked offline for PC/Mac as well. Oh, I see, OP mentions the idea of adding the lessons/challenges to the existing Syntorial app, I'd be totally happy with that as well!

0    3 months ago    Reply

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Jesse Grieshaber

It's not a big deal for me personally but I agree - a standalone app like Syntorial would be preferable.

0    4 months ago    Reply

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Feature Request