Hey everyone! Is there a way to continue practicing doing patches after completing all lessons? I didn't finish the program yet so there so sorry if there's an obvious answer. If not, some sort of an infinite mode would be super cool and valuable!
1 year ago
Wow, 2.0 looks like a massive step up to an already invaluable resource. Thank you so much for your hard work, Joe and team!
Really look forward to playing with the randomizer. The only thing that would also be cool to have is a mode where you can restrict patch generation to chosen modules of the synth to lazer focus on particular interactions. Chapter select already kinda does that, but it gets tougher later in the course because so many interactions get introduced at the same time. For example, it would be cool to just do fm, distortion and filter envelope to really understand what they add to each other. Anyway, just a thought!
0 1 year ago Reply
You're in luck! The big 2.0 update coming out June 22 includes a new Randomizer feature that will generate new patches in any challenge so you can get infinite practice. Check out our sneak peak video to see how it works (skip to the end for the Randomizer):
0 1 year ago Reply