I have just completed Lesson 20, and I feel like I have a good understanding of how Oscillator Sync works, however, I can't figure out how to get it to work the same in Vital.
Vital has an oscillator sync option, however, it doesn't seem to work exactly the same. It doesn't seem to be effected by the other oscillators, and is simply a modulation knob option that you can choose to apply to each oscillator individually.
Here's how the Vital manual describes it under
Sync: Repeats the waveform and squishes the waveform. This results in the pitch increasing in octaves relatively smoothly with out playing other notes
This sounds right to me, I'm just not exactly sure if it works right out of the box like it does in Syntorial since it's only controlled by one knob and isn't controlled by other oscillators and such.
I added some pictures just to help maybe determine what's up
2 years ago
Yes. In the same menu that you select Sync, you'll see options for FM -> Osc #. Selecting this will turn that oscillator into the FM Modulater, and the # Oscillator into the FM Carrier. And the knob will control the FM amount.
0 2 years ago Reply
Hey Joe,
Out of curiousity, is there anything in vital that would correspond to the "Fm Amount" knob in Syntorial? Thanks!
0 2 years ago Reply
That makes sense! Thanks Joe!
0 2 years ago Reply
Hey Robby
The end result is very similar in both Vital and Syntorial. What Vital is doing may not technically be Oscillator Sync between two oscillators, but they instead use a morphing algorithm to achieve the same effect so the distinction doesn't really matter. It sounds a little different, but from a sound design perspective achieves the same result. Turning Vital's Sync knob is liking turning up Syntorial's Osc 2 Semi knob.
0 2 years ago Reply