I've come across quite a few of these. Some I managed to get past by luck, others I gave up. I'm not sure what settings are making this sound.
The one I'm currently on is Group 12, 6 of 6. The sound I'm talking about is the bell-like ringing quality. Not the delay, but the clear high, full tones. I keep flipping from pulse to make the sound clearer and saw to make it fuller, which then needs a filter to make it smooth, which lowers the tone, so I open the filter back up and go back to pulse...
The effect seems to be related to increasing up the filter delay time? Is that because I'm actually hearing a slowly descending cutoff and thinking I hear ringing dying away? No sound like this was covered in the lessons that I can find.
3 years ago
Ugh, "decay" of course. Sorry, so scattered.
Good experiment ideas, thanks. That's really the only way to learn anyway. I was just getting lost on this one sound, but I have some angles to try now.
0 3 years ago Reply
Thanks for the clarification! Quick note: it's "decay", not "delay". But enough of my semantic nitpicking...
Yes, when multiple voices cross paths they can sometimes smear each other in a detuned kind of way. I'm guessing that's what you're hearing? I don't really hear a "ringing" sound but that could just be you and I associating that adjective with a different sonic trait.
If you come across it again with a multiple-voice patch, try turning off the auto-play and playing the patch yourself with your keyboard. That way you can focus on the tone without being distracted by any random interplay between overlapping notes.
If however you come across it again with a mono patch, post here again and I'll take a listen.
0 3 years ago Reply
It's G12 P6 all right, but it isn't the Delay effect, it's the filter envelope delay time I'm talking about.
That said...I don't think that's it. I can't seem to find the other "bell-like ringing" sounds that were stymying me. For this particular one, it seems to be:
I figured this out by building up to the right answer after deliberately failing. If I can find the others I was having trouble with, I can do the same there. That won't guarantee I understand why it's happening, though.
0 3 years ago Reply
Hi David
Can you double-check that it's Group 12 Patch #6? On my end that patch doesn't have the Delay enabled.
0 3 years ago Reply
Oh and I forgot to mention: I'm completely unable to replicate that sound in another synth, so I know I don't have everything right yet.
0 3 years ago Reply