Hi! would very much apprecciate a video about the specific intricacies of the deepmind in relation to primer/syntorial. ItΒ΄s my first hardware/anaogue synth, so any tips and tricks or things good to know about it are very welcome.
I'll add it to the list of possible synths to cover. It has pretty simple set of parameters, though they're labeled and laid out in a more old school way. Are there any parameters in particular that you're struggling to translate?
No, not at all, I was more interested in ways to work with the limited oscillators in correspondence to syntorial, as there are ways to utilize unison+mod matrix to double them, as well as the pitch effect. I do not fully comprehend how these work. Also IΒ΄m interested in any options to tweak to the synths individual parts (filter, lfoΒ΄s, envelope triggers etc) behave more like syntorial, or which ones wonΒ΄t at all, if and how i can use the second oscillators tone mod to approximate a second oscillators pulse width setting etc etc.
I'll add it to the list of possible synths to cover. It has pretty simple set of parameters, though they're labeled and laid out in a more old school way. Are there any parameters in particular that you're struggling to translate?
1 4 months ago Reply
No, not at all, I was more interested in ways to work with the limited oscillators in correspondence to syntorial, as there are ways to utilize unison+mod matrix to double them, as well as the pitch effect. I do not fully comprehend how these work. Also IΒ΄m interested in any options to tweak to the synths individual parts (filter, lfoΒ΄s, envelope triggers etc) behave more like syntorial, or which ones wonΒ΄t at all, if and how i can use the second oscillators tone mod to approximate a second oscillators pulse width setting etc etc.
1 4 months ago Reply